We are Novocarbo

We are scientists, engineers, soil enthusiasts, and business professionals who work hand in hand to shape the economic transformation towards a low-carbon future.

Who we are

At Novocarbo, dedicated experts in various fields strive for a common goal: we want to remove as much COâ‚‚ as possible from the atmosphere. Our unique product concept of Biochar Carbon Removal minimizes COâ‚‚ in the atmosphere with maximum impact, while creating sustainable solutions for diverse industries.

The spirit that drives us traces back to the company's origins. Caspar von Ziegner founded Novocarbo in 2017 with the aim of pushing forward carbon removal solutions to contribute to achieving the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Climate Agreement. We pursue this critical mission with creativity, expertise, courage, innovative spirit, and irrepressible will.

From the very first vision until now, much has transpired: A handful of people has grown into a team of more than 30. At our headquarters in Hamburg, colleagues from fields like science, engineering, marketing, and business development work together on continuously optimize our products and processes. At our production sites, the Carbon Removal Parks, we put our knowledge into practice. What drives us in all our activities is the firm belief that we can mitigate climate change by further scaling our pioneering carbon removal technology.

Our culture values


We foster a culture of continuous innovation, constantly pushing boundaries to develop groundbreaking solutions that drive sustainable production and combat climate change. We value creativity and the determination to make a difference.


What motivates us and our work is a genuine commitment to climate protection, the principles of the circular economy, and transparent practices. We ensure that we operate with integrity, always staying true to our mission.


Our team of highly skilled scientists, engineers, and professionals excels in advanced pyrolysis and carbon conversion know-how. We aim to consistently deliver innovative and sustainable solutions with unwavering reliability in every aspect of our work. 


Responsible interaction with each other as a team, the environment, and our resources is deeply rooted in our corporate culture. In a supportive and open-minded work place, we drive lasting change for a sustainable future.

Our company culture

Meet our team:

Alicia Janßen
Office Manager
Alicia Janßen
Office Manager
Alicia's passion lies in organizational efficiency and communi­cation. With a strong foundation in commercial assistance and foreign languages, she embarked on a success­ful career as an office manager. Alicia's versatility and dedi­cation make her a valuable asset to the team at Novocarbo, where she provides excellent support in various tasks and ensures smooth operations.
Beatrix Pelzer
Operations Manager
Beatrix Pelzer
Operations Manager
Beatrix has always been into optimizing supply chain management. With her strong background as an industrial engineer, she analyzes complex problems and devises efficient solutions. Collaborating closely with suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors, at Novocarbo Beatrix ensures smooth operations and implements innovative processes to enhance productivity.
Benjamin Reinke
Head of Operations
Benjamin Reinke
Head of Operations
Benjamin, a visionary at the intersection of business chemistry and operational excellence, combines his passion for unraveling the intricate chemical reactions of pyrolysis with his extensive work experience. As Head of Operations at Novocarbo, he harnesses this unique blend of expertise to optimize processes and ensure seamless execution, driving the company towards success.
Britta Winkgens
PR & Communications Manager
Britta Winkgens
PR & Communications Manager
Britta has always been into languages and the „magic of words“: she studied Spanish and French, holds a Master‘s degree in Media Studies and is a trained journalist. After working as an editor for different publishing houses, she „switched sides“ and started her career as PR & Communications Manager. Whenever it’s about texts or spreading Novocarbo's messages, Britta is involved.
Caspar von Ziegner
Managing Director & CEO
Caspar von Ziegner
Managing Director & CEO
Caspar is an industrial engineer with a fascination for the energy transition: He studied in Berlin and headed the business development at Alliander AG, a utility company. Since 2017, he is CEO & founder of Novocarbo and strengthens the scaling of the business model with a focus on biochar and green energy. Having grown up on a farm, he has always had a close connection with agriculture.
Christoph Janyska
Business Development Manager
Christoph Janyska
Business Development Manager
Chris embarked as a Business Developer in the semi­conductor industry, driven by curiosity for innovation and a desire to over­come technological barriers. After receiving his MBA and founding his own startup, he now evaluates and implements inno­vative business models. Chris' enthusiasm for renewable energies perfectly aligns with the mission of Novocarbo, propelling us to success.
Cimberley Groß
Carbon Removal Manager
Cimberley Groß
Carbon Removal Manager
Whether professionally or personally, Cimberley actively promotes climate startup ecosystems. With years of experience in impact investment and startup & NGO consulting she drives impactful solutions. As Carbon Removal Manager, she is involved in CO2 certificate trading, carbon credit offtake solutions, life cycle assessment management (LCA), and building strong partnerships.
Esther Jaekel
Research & Applications Associate
Esther Jaekel
Research & Applications Associate
Equipped with a PhD in Chemistry and a passion for driving change, Esther strives to integrate sustainability into both industry and everyday life. With her profound scientific understanding, she assists Novocarbo in discovering innovative solutions that balance progress with environmental responsibility, enabling the use of biochar as an eco-friendly material.
Florian Lage
Expert Key Account Manager
Florian Lage
Expert Key Account Manager
Florian, raised in a rural setting as the child of a farmer, developed a deep love for nature from an early age. Joining Novocarbo in 2018, he swiftly recognized the significant role that biochar plays in making the world a better place. As an Expert Key Account Manager, he drives Novocarbo's business by nurturing key customer relation­ships and providing market insights.
Guido Herrmann
Senior Site Development Manager
Guido Herrmann
Senior Site Development Manager
Guido, with a Master's in Technical Economics and extensive management experience in the mineral industry, now excels as a Senior Sales Manager for Green Energy. He's committed to expanding Carbon Removal Parks worldwide, focusing on forging new partnerships to facilitate the construction of new pyrolysis plants.
Jan Knizia
Business Development Manager
Jan Knizia
Business Development Manager
Jan, a tech-savvy sustainability enthusiast, holds a master's degree in innovation management, entrepreneurship, and sustainability - a perfect fit to help Novocarbo transforming industries. As Novocarbo's dynamic Business Development Manager, he propels new site development and pioneering production technology selection, driving the company towards a greener future.
Jens Heberling
Research Assistant
Jens Heberling
Research Assistant
During his Bachelor's studies in applied natural sciences, Jens developed a keen interest in scientific topics. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Chemistry and Physics of Functional Materials, he joined Novocarbo as a research assistant. With passion Jens supports colleagues and customers with biochar pyrolysis experiments and analysis, contributing to innovative solutions.
Jonas Roeder
Business Controlling Manager
Jonas Roeder
Business Controlling Manager
Jonas discovered his fascination for technology during his busi­ness studies. With expertise in finance, process manage­ment, and IT, he supported a FinTech scaling and consulted impact ventures. Following a graduation in strategic economics, he is now Business Controlling Manager at Novocarbo, combining his interests of inno­vations and sustainability.
Julian Bahnsen
Site Development Manager
Julian Bahnsen
Site Development Manager
Holding a Bachelor's degree in Business Engineering, Julian brings his specialized expertise and experience in technical sales and distribution to site development. His remarkable drive and energy, combined with his strong communication skills, are instrumental in aiding Novocarbo's efforts to expand its business and foster a greener future.
Julius Lang
Political Communications Manager
Julius Lang
Political Communications Manager
Julius joined Novocarbo following his enthusiasm for climate tech, innovation, and positive impact. Previously, he worked several years in strategic communications, advising international clients in matters of positioning and public affairs. Holding a Masters in European Affairs and Public Policy, he now manages the advocacy efforts of Novocarbo on European and national level.
Lars Macketanz
Head of Industrial Materials
Lars Macketanz
Head of Industrial Materials
Lars holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing & Technical Business and a Master‘s degree in Inter­national Business & Sustain­ability. He combines his passion for sustainability with his expertise in product manage­ment and market develop­ment. At Novocarbo, he leads the Industrial Materials unit, pushing biochar as a sustainable alternative to fossil-based industry additives.
Lars-Johann Köhler
Key Account Manager
Lars-Johann Köhler
Key Account Manager
Lars-Johann studied agricultural sciences and is very enthusiastic about the circular economy and renewable energies. He is fascinated by Novocarbo's innovative approach. Due to his agricultural background, he is particularly interested in the soil-improving properties of biochar and sees great opportunities here, both in agriculture and for urban development projects.
Lisa Spirina
Working Student Data & IT
Lisa Spirina
Working Student Data & IT
Lisa is currently pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Information Engineering, embarking on the first steps of her career towards a more digitalized and innovative future. Driven by a passion for exploring new technologies, she is dedicated to providing our team with cutting-edge solutions.
Malin Schröder
Marketing Manager
Malin Schröder
Marketing Manager
Malin has a background in renewable energy and a passion for innovative technologies to combat climate change. She holds a Master's degree in Business Administration and has been fascinated by visual content creation ever since. As Communications Manager at Novocarbo, her responsibilities include the advancement of digital media and the organization of high-impact events.
Saad Alhabash
Working Student Industrial Materials
Saad Alhabash
Working Student Industrial Materials
With a background in industrial engineering and a deep-rooted passion for IT and sustainability, Saad has turned to the challenges and opportunities of CDR. As a Business Development Engineer, he advocates for integrating innovative strategies and fostering collaboration. By championing sustainable solutions, he contributes to the advancement and positive impact of the industry.
Sara Brandt
HR & Recruiting Manager
Sara Brandt
HR & Recruiting Manager
Sara discovered her passion for HR & recruitment topics during her Master's studies in business psychology. She’s constantly aiming to support her colleagues as best as possible and to enable them to work in line with their needs and competencies. At Novocarbo, Sara is responsible for a dedicated and fair recruitment as well as employer branding, HR admin and various HR ops projects.
Sebastian Dozel
Head of Biochar & Substrates
Sebastian Dozel
Head of Biochar & Substrates
Sebastian is Head of the unit Biochar & Substrates at Novocarbo. He holds a Bachelor degree from the Netherlands and an MBA from the UK. With his extensive business experience and knowledge, Sebastian supports Novocarbo in selling biochar as a CO2 sink.
Taahir Matthews
Busines Development Manager
Taahir Matthews
Busines Development Manager
As a finance and accounting bachelors graduate, having a postgraduate degree in Accounting, Taahir is an experienced strategy consultant and an avid creative. Having worked for Bain & Company, a qualified chartered accountant, he combines his expertise with his passion for positive change to drive Business Development projects, helping Novocarbo scale its carbon removal mission.
Venna von Lepel
Venna von Lepel
Venna, our dedicated Chief Carbon Officer and Chief Marketing Officer, combines her expertise as a strategy consultant with a personal passion for carbon removal and biochar. As an educated farmer, she is strongly committed to restoring natural cycles and transforming the economy into a more sustainable system. At Novocarbo, she plays a crucial role in driving positive change.
Walter Hammes
Technical Project Manager
Walter Hammes
Technical Project Manager
Walter, a skilled Technical Project Manager, brings decades of industry experience as a graduate industrial engineer, including work in the German Navy, IT, and the energy sector. Embracing a cooperative spirit with his colleagues, he coordinates projects, ensures quality, and handles regulatory requirements that advance our clean tech initiatives.

Our production team: The cornerstone of our biochar creation

This is our production team – made up of dedicated plant operators and our site manager. Together, they are the backbone of our reliable and high-quality biochar production. They are not only united by this task, but also by their passion for sustainability and innovation.

Jan Eickelberg
Plant Operator
Jan Eickelberg
Plant Operator
Jan is one of our plant operators at the pyrolysis plant in Grevesmühlen and an indispensable cornerstone of our biochar production. Formerly working in the food industry, Jan now integrates his extensive knowledge into our processes. As a beekeeper, he already brings a great passion for nature and the environment to the team.
Maik Lüdke
Site Manager
Maik Lüdke
Site Manager
As site manager in Grevesmühlen, Maik reinforces our drive for sustainability and innovative solutions. His extensive experience as a senior machinist and control room operator in the energy sector as well as his in-depth knowledge of operational efficiency is key to the successful management of our daily operations.
Roy Hasler
Plant Operator
Roy Hasler
Plant Operator
Roy, one of our pyrolysis plant operators, brings his valuable experience from the packaging industry to our team. He is an important initiator in the development of our pyrolysis technologies. With his skills in the efficient and environmentally friendly use of resources, he shares our enthusiasm for circular economy.

Meet our company branches

Novocarbo is about carbon removal – however, the company was built by business professionals with a legacy of passion for soil and agriculture. Our origin thus lies in a fascination for biochar and its applications: selling and using biochar has been the backbone of our activities since 2018. Today we are proud to leverage that knowledge to offer one of the first scalable carbon removal solutions on the European market.

Novocarbo Biochar is at the frontier of the biochar space. In recent years, we have become one of Europe’s leading suppliers, using the material for a variety of applications ranging from industrial feedstocks, agriculture, and water treatment to decarbonizing building materials. We are working with companies and research institutes around the world to develop new use cases.

Swiss Biochar stands at the forefront of the global biochar movement. 10 years of experience have shaped the portfolio of Swiss Biochar, resulting in unique, high-quality substrates, such as our Swiss Terra Pretaâ„¢, and biochar products suitable for horticulture, households, and blue green infrastructure.

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