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Novocarbo wins “German Sustainability Award 2025”

Funding for research project: biochar from sewage sludge as slow-release fertiliser

Green district heating with biochar: Novocarbo cooperates with Stadtwerke Bochum

Novocarbo Team

Catalyzing Europe’s net zero infrastructure: Novocarbo raises €25 million in funding


  • All
  • Biochar
  • Carbon Removal
  • Green Energy
  • R&D
City trees in an urban area

How biochar can make urban living more resilient to climate change

Boosting the Sustainable Development Goals: Biochar’s multiple ways to “heal the planet”

Elke Temme standing in the headquarters of the municipalities of Bochum

Decarbonizing district heating with green heat from biochar

Carbon Removal Park Baltic Sea under construction

Bridging the Gap to Climate Neutrality: How to Finance a European Net Zero Infrastructure

How Heat as a Service can accelerate the heat transition

Sprouts grow in several pots in landscaping from a dark soil

Why biochar as a permanent carbon sink is essential for achieving climate targets


Forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

How biochar can help cities prepare for climate change.
Novocarbo in Handelsblatt


Start-up check: How Novocarbo wants to save the climate with biochar.


How can the new financing for Novocarbo contribute to achieving the EU climate targets by 2050?
Wie Pflanzenkohle das Klima retten soll und unsere Böden

Der Spiegel

"New beacon of hope in the fight against global warming" – that's how an article in the latest edition of German news magazine Der Spiegel describes biochar, also featuring Novocarbo.

Press Kit

Fact sheets, photos, logos and further information can be found in our Press kit.

Press Contact

britta winkgens

Britta Winkgens

Communications Manager

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