
Forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

How biochar can help cities prepare for climate change.
Novocarbo in Handelsblatt


Start-up check: How Novocarbo wants to save the climate with biochar.


How can the new financing for Novocarbo contribute to achieving the EU climate targets by 2050?
Wie Pflanzenkohle das Klima retten soll und unsere Böden

Der Spiegel

"New beacon of hope in the fight against global warming" – that's how an article in the latest edition of German news magazine Der Spiegel describes biochar, also featuring Novocarbo.
Deutsche Welle at Novocarbo's new Carbon Removal Park Baltic Sea

Deutsche Welle

For a new video report on the potential of biochar as a versatile climate solution, a film team of Deutsche Welle visited our new Carbon Removal Park Baltic Sea in Grevesmühlen (Germany).
Neue Wege für klimafreundliches Heizen


An article by news agency dpa outlines the various positive effects of our latest Carbon Removal Park Baltic Sea on climate protection. It was published in various major German newspapers.
NDR Hamburg Journal explains biochar


A report in German TV program “NDR Hamburg Journal“ explains how Novocarbo recycles waste from wood processing and thus removes CO2 from the atmosphere.
Hamburger Start-up setzt gegen Klimawandel auf Pflanzenkohle

Hamburger Abendblatt

In an article in the business section of Hamburg’s main daily newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt, our CEO Caspar von Ziegner, explains what led to the founding of Novocarbo and where he sees the company’s future.
Pflanzenkohle, ein CO2-Entferner


“We want to remove as much CO2 as possible from the atmosphere as quickly as possible.” This is one of the main messages of Novocarbo CCO, Venna von Lepel, in a TV report about biochar broadcasted in ARTE Journal, the prime-time news magazine of the German-French TV channel.
Wir machen aus CO2 nachhaltige Produkte


How to create sustainable products from CO2? Novocarbo gets featured on, the leading German medium of the digital economy.
Pflanzenkohle aus Grevesmühlen


How Novocarbo is making the district heating network in Northwest Mecklenburg (Germany) greener: German newspaper Ostseezeitung introduces Novocarbo's new Carbon Removal Park Baltic Sea.
Green Hero: Caspar von Ziegner macht CO2 zu Dünger


German TV program Galileo covers the CEO of Novocarbo as “Green Hero” and reports about “climate saver biochar“.
Die CO2-Fresser


The potential of CO2 storage in biochar: German newspaper ZEIT features Novocarbo and its effective carbon removal strategy. The article was published in other regional newspapers.
CO2-Entnahme und die Krux der effektiven Ausgestaltung


Where to put all that CO2? Novocarbo’s CCO stresses the importance of Carbon Dioxide Removal in the German Tagesspiegel.

Press Contact

britta winkgens

Britta Winkgens

Communications Manager

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