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Carbon Removal Park Baltic Sea under construction

Bridging the Gap to Climate Neutrality: How to Finance a European Net Zero Infrastructure

Wie Heat-as-a-Service die Wärmewende beschleunigen kann

Aus Pflanzen wird Biochar

Warum Biochar als permanente Kohlenstoffsenke unabdingbar für das Erreichen der Klimaziele ist

CO2 Entfernung

Irreführende Diskussion über CO₂-Speicherung: Warum der Unterschied zwischen CDR und CCS wichtig ist

Novocarbo & thyssenkrupp

Wie Novocarbo thyssenkrupp rothe erde mit grüner Wärme bei der CO₂-Reduzierung hilft

Carbon Dioxide Removal by Novocarbo gets listed on Carbon cCrtificates marketplace (2021)

Carbon Dioxide Removal by Novocarbo gets listed on carbon certificates marketplace

Solving the Carbon dilemma

Solving the carbon dilemma

Skanska and Novocarbo develop sustainable construction solutions

Skanska and Novocarbo develop sustainable construction solutions

Using natural biopolymers to decarbonize textiles

Using natural biopolymers to decarbonize textiles

Improving urban growing conditions in Stockholm

Novocarbo & Carbonfuture: improving urban growing conditions in Stockholm

Filling in the gaps: How biochar can bring climate action to more sectors

Filling in the gaps: how biochar can bring climate action to more sectors

Novocarbo helps metal producer decrease emissions, increase circularity

Novocarbo helps metal producer decrease emissions and increase circularity


britta winkgens

Britta Winkgens

Communications Manager

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