In 2020, the European Biochar Industry Consortium e.V. (EBI) published a white paper titled “Biochar-based carbon sinks to mitigate climate change”.
The EBI white paper on biochar-based carbon sinks uncovered valuable insight into the future of carbon sinks in Europe’s circular economy. As climate change progresses, the associated negative knock-on effects on the economy and society are increasing. In the wake of this realisation, the pressure for action on the part of political and economic decision-makers to formulate adequate responses to the associated challenges has grown. The phrase “climate neutrality” has recently emerged as a broad target. However, the potential of this approach is limited and its expansion is likely to take a long time – perhaps decades. Given the urgency of mitigating the impacts of climate change, time cannot be spared. In order for a climate-neutral economic and social model to become a reality, emissions must be reduced without compromise and as quickly as possible. This requires the immediate utilization of accessible technologies. Against the backdrop of the increasing hunger for energy in a highly technological interconnected world, however, this prospect is no longer sufficient. Existing negative-emissions-technologies (NETs) that can bind CO2 beyond the net-zero approach become necessary.
Biomass pyrolysis is a key enabler for saving the climate and sustaining a prosperous economic system. A multitude of applications and countless scientific publications prove that the biochar production yields double dividends. In addition to climate and environmental benefits, their use increases yields, efficiency and ultimately profit. The advantages are obvious: relevant volumes can be realised in the short term, cost efficiency and additional green dividends in the form of clearly positive repercussions on the ecological and economic systems are ensured. Therefore the market ramp-up of a bioeconomy is of central importance. In order for the potentials of robust future systems to be harnessed, ambitious economic policies as well as entrepreneurial innovations are required.